ONLINE Exhibit Material


On-Site:12/3(WED)~12/6(SAT) 10:00~17:00 @Tokyo Big Site、Online:11/19(WED)~12/19(FRI) On-Site:12/3(WED)~12/6(SAT) 10:00~17:00 @Tokyo Big Site、Online:11/19(WED)~12/19(FRI)


The International Robot Exhibition was first held in 1974, and it has been held once every two years since then, marking the 26th exhibition. It is highly regarded both in Japan and abroad as one of the largest robot exhibitions in the world.
The 2025 International Robot Exhibition will be held under the theme of “Sustainable Societies Through Robotics” with the aim of creating industries and solving social issues through the coexistence and collaboration of humans and robots.
State-of-the-art robots and robot-related technology including AI, ICT, and component technologies will all be on display throughout the event.
We are looking forward to your exhibits at the International Robot Exhibition 2025, where people involved in all aspects of robotics gather from all over the world.

Scene from the previous event

Exhibitor information herewhite arrow
Date Onsite:Dec.3 Wed. – 6 Sat. 2025 10:00am to 5:00pm
Online:Nov.19 Wed. – Dec.19 Fri. 2025
Organized by 日本ロボット工業会日刊工業新聞社
Concurrent Exhibitions Smart Factory Japan, PAN-EXHIBITION FOR WASH AND CLEAN, VACUUM, SAMPE Japan, High Precision & Difficult Manufacturing Technology Show, Surface Structure Design Show
Venue Tokyo Big Sight East 4 to 8 Halls, West 1 to 4 Halls and Atrium
Supported by
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)

(Random Order, Plan to apply)

Special Supported by
All Japan Plastic Products Industrial Federation Communications and Information Network Association of Japan
Japan Amusement Industry Association Japan Assistive Products Association
Japan Association for Automation Advancement Japan Association of Corrosion Control
Japan Auto Parts Industries Association Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association
Japan Belt Association Japan Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association
Japan Construction Machinery and Construction Association Japan Electric Measuring Instruments Manufacturers’ Association
Japan Fluid Power Association Japan Forming Machinery Association
Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association Japan Metal Stamping Association
Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association Japan Painting Contractors Association
Manufacturing Science and Technology Center Micromachine Center
Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative
Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan The Association for Technical Aids
The Association of Care Goods Providers The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
The Japan Bearing Industry Association The Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association
The Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers’ Association The Japan Institute of Material Handling
The Japan Machinery Federation The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
The Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufactures The Japan Welding Engineering Society
The Robotics Society of Japan The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers

(Alphabetical order, Plan to apply)

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Exhibition Guide白矢印

All applications for ONSITE exhibition have been closed. (The waiting list has also been closed.)
We sincerely thank you for the overwhelming number of applications.
※ For those who have registered on the waiting list, we plan to contact you sequentially from the middle of March.
ONLINE exhibition of iREX 2025, as well as for the concurrently held exhibitions: Smart Factory Japan, PAN-EXHIBITION FOR WASH AND CLEAN, VACUUM,
SAMPE JAPAN EXHIBITION and the High Advanced Materials Technology High-Precision & Difficult Manufacturing Technology Show / Surface Structure Design Show are still open for the exhibition applications.