12/01(日) 10:30-12:30 講演・フォーラム M-06





開催時刻 2024年12月01日(日) 10:30~12:30
タイトル インターナショナルロボットフォーラム「産業用ロボット:世界の現状と展望」
会場 メインステージ(西4ホール) (定員500名)
配信形式 YouTube



Association for Advancing Automation (A3)・USA
Jeff Burnstein

China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA)
Executive President and Secretary General
Xiaogang Song

Korea Association of Robot Industry (KAR)
Vice President
Yeong Hoon Cho

International Federation of Robotics (IFR)
General Secretary
Susanne Bieller


・「The Robotics Industry in North America: Current Market and Technology Trends」
 登壇者:Association for Advancing Automation (A3)・USA President Jeff Burnstein 氏
  概要:In this overview of the robotics market in the US, Canada and Mexico, Jeff Burnstein will discuss current trends and the outlook for expanded
     adoption in the coming years.
     Key application areas will be explored, along with industries that are now ripe for automation.
     While the long-term outlook is quite bullish, the short-term outlook is a little less certain for a variety of reasons that Mr. Burnstein will discuss.
     He also will talk about enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine vision, and the impacts these technologies have on jobs as
     well as society at large.

・「The Industrial Robot Development and Applications in China」
 登壇者:China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA) Executive Vice President and Secretary General Xiaogang Song 氏
  概要:Since 2013, China has become the baggiest market of the industrial robots. In 2021, the industrial robot sale was 279,000 units, more than half of
     the world market.
     China has the baggiest manufacturing with the widest categories covering all the 525 classification by UN.
      Fast development of robot automation and intelligent manufacturing will continuously demand more industrial robots.

・「Current status and Future prospects of Korean robot industry」
 登壇者:Korea Association of Robot Industry (KAR) Vice President  Yeong Hoon Cho 氏
  概要:The speech will be given by Mr.Cho, who has been working in Korean robot industry for more than 2 decades.
      He will start the speech by explaining current status and key features of Korean robot industry. He will also explore main application areas of
     robots in Korea.
      Lastly, Mr. Cho will discuss main agendas and prospects for Korean robot industry and suggest measures to take the industry to the next level.

・「Robotics and Automation where is Germany headed?」
 登壇者:On behalf of VDMA Robotics + Automation Susanne Bieller 氏
  概要:Look forward to an overview of the robotics and automation sector in Germany, its latest growth rates and prospects and an assessment of how it
     is positioned globally.
      A special focus will be given to the Strategy Paper “Robotics and Automation 2028 – Key Technology for Germany” recently published by VDMA
・「Global Robotics Market: Insights, Trends and Outlook」
 登壇者:International Federation of Robotics (IFR) General Secretary Susanne Bieller 氏
  概要:This presentation will delve into the dynamics of the global robotics market, providing insights into its overall status and future outlook.
     The discussion will encompass a comprehensive analysis of the world as a whole, looking on the main regions, incl.
     Europe, and countries. The main trends propelling this sector forward will be explored, shedding light on the forces shaping its trajectory